Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167321-167340 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171wasmrbRead and Run WebAssembly
147,2171rodauth-guestProvides guest users functionality for Rodauth.
147,2171trulia_rapidapiRUBY gateway to harness real estate data from Trulia via RapidAPI, unlocking the potent...
147,2171rack-convert-webprack convert webp
147,2171wispRuby extension library for visualizing the line that is currently running
147,2171will_paginate_page_optionsPage options for will_paginate
147,2171rdp-rautomationRAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...
147,2171cuatlan-activerecord-hierarchical_queryRecursively traverse trees using a single SQL query
147,2171blogit-adminAdd a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine
147,2171ct_calendar_forAllows different calendar layouts with some customization options.
147,2171vincents_first_studio_game_gemThis gem is made following the Ruby Course of Pragmatic Studio on online.pragmaticstudi...
147,2171behave.ioBehave.io SDK for ruby integration
147,2171rome-railsRome is a customizeable javascript date and time picker. This gem allows for its easy i...
147,2171rake_helperA set of common helper methods to DRY up Rails rake tasks
147,2171social_media_posting_gemA gem for posting content to Facebook and Instagram
147,2171studio_game_max_pressPragmatic Studio Ruby 3 tutorial gem
147,2171sic-activerecord-sqlserver-adapterActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter. For SQL Server 2005 And Higher.
147,2171pictos-freeDrew Wilson's Pictos (free) as a Compass and Sass extension
147,2171peerindexA Ruby wrapper for the Peerindex API
147,2171sha3-rubyRuby bindings for the (C) reference implementation of SHA-3 cryptographic hash function.