Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167341-167360 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870unicolorColorize an object uniquely! Call Object#unicolor
135,8870rf_2016_studio_gamestudio_game is a command-line game built through instruction by The Pragmatic Studio. ...
135,8870asukaMarkdown and textile -inspired markup that's XSS safe.
135,8870cassanovaUse cassandra with rails by adding active record style methods using active model.
135,8870rom-mongodbMongoDB adapter for Ruby Object Mapper
135,8870snap_businessThe official Snap Business SDK for Ruby for interacting with the Snap Conversion API an...
135,8870can_self_do_itProvide modules to work with sereveral permission policies
135,8870tlb-testunit18TLB-Ruby component that provides support for load balancing tests written using test::u...
135,8870backup_demonBackupDemon is a daemon for backing up directories to an external drive
135,8870simple_update_fieldYour resources text attributes will gain inplace update ability with keybindings for qu...
135,8870ShapesRBA gem for adding Shapes to your project. ShapesRB is a easy-to-use Ruby Gems. Please st...
135,8870bungie_sdkIncomplete, WIP, unofficial Ruby SDK for the Bungie API.
135,8870ta_by_starActiveRecord and Mongoid extension for easier date scopes and time ranges
135,8870archareA gem for archare.
135,8870sdoc-templates-42floors42Floors SDoc template for RDoc
135,8870banker_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
135,8870tormRules engine. Named after the Forgotten Realms god of Law.
135,8870script_finderA gem that provides tools to find and execute scripts in a project.
135,8870rtagstaskA Rake task for building vi and emacs tags
135,8870ruote-maestrodevruote is an open source Ruby workflow engine