Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167381-167400 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870aws-cleanupClean up expired AWS assets (test instances, etc)
135,8870regex_sampleRegex to sample value.
135,8870repository-clientThis provides a way to deposit repository objects into the Stanford Digital Repository
135,8870rphylipBuild fake phylip alignments, extract names form a given alignment
135,8870tomogram_routingRouting Tomogram API
135,8870tempTemp is a simple command line utility for creating projects from templates.
135,8870standard-procedure-plumbingAn event pipeline
135,8870simply_wompiRuby implementation of Wompi Payment transactions gateway.
135,8870campbellhay-bureauThe CampbellHay Admin System
135,8870class_listerLists all classes under a given module.
135,8870tsearchProvides easy access to PostgreSQL's tsearch full text search for your ActiveRecord mod...
135,8870rubyBHLRubyBHL is a simple but flexible request/response wrapper for the Biodiversity Heritage...
135,8870toothbrushUseful stuff for testing with Capybara
135,8870riksteaternRuby client for the Riksteatern API
135,8870cardiaprovides credit card payments through Cardia
135,8870sequel-hive-adapterA Hadoop Hive adapter for Sequel. Uses RBHive and Thrift.
135,8870tbmxTBMX is a markup language, loosely based on Lisp and TeX, for ThinkingBicycle.com.
135,8870celadonremoteA way to interface with the celadon RCV-3000 receiver
135,8870tremendous_ruby_alexThis is a fork of https://github.com/tremendous-rewards/tremendous-ruby to add the rese...
135,8870ultimate_enumerableAdds a few methods for grabbing the last few elements of an array, string, or other cla...