Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167641-167660 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170eatmysoulA simple netsoul (epitech's internal network protocol) client, mainly targeting servers
141,6170commuterGives you google maps travel times between two addresses.
141,6170capistrano-data_plane_apiCapistrano plugin which helps you automatically change the admin state of your HAProxy ...
141,6170dqs-jquery-form-validator-railsIntegrate the jQuery Form Validator plugin into the Rails asset pipeline
141,6170cocoapods-scancodeA short description of cocoapods-scancode.
141,6170android_reviewsAndroid Play Store app reviews scraper for Ruby
141,6170daum_oauthDaum OAuth API client library for ruby
141,6170barrister-amqpAMQP transport and server-container for Barrister
141,6170blacklight-mapsBlacklight plugin providing map views for records with geographic data.
141,6170ecomRails plugin to create Ecom app
141,6170curb-openuriopen-uri drop-in replacement that uses curb
141,6170darkreaper-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
141,6170commandoroboA command framework for discordrb.
141,6170capistrano-middleman2Run middleman build on each host.
141,6170decidim-action_delegatorA tool for Decidim that provides extended functionalities for cooperatives and allows d...
141,6170angular-ng-grid-plugins-railsInjects angular-ng-grid plugins js into your asset pipeline.
141,6170darwin-xrefresh-serverXRefresh is browser refresh automation for web developers
141,6170cookbook_creatorThis gem is used to generate cookbook skeleton
141,6170enjoy_cms_faqFAQ system with EnjoyCMS support.
141,6170cpe23Library for parsing, generating, and matching CPEs