Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167661-167680 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470lapis-commonCore classes and methods used by various Lapis modules.
75,3470guard-mustachejsCompiles mustache templates into a single .js file.
75,3470hellogrThe simplest thing you can do.
75,3470redcar-htmlA plugin for redcar that gives useful html commands and snippets
75,3470mspire-sequestreads .SRF, .SQT and supports conversions
75,3470vagrant-softlayerEnables Vagrant to manages SoftLayer CCI.
75,3470trad-getoptrather traditional getopt()
75,3470music_metadata_scoreThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
75,3470lita-snap-ciSnap-ci integration with lita
75,3470rabbit-slide-kou-mariadb-community-event-2016-07-212016年7月時点でのMroongaの最新情報を紹介します。MariaDBコミュニティイベント in Tokyoでの紹介なのでMariaDBに関連する情報を多めに紹介します。
75,3470odroid_lcdAllows writing strings to the LCD screen accessory, see: https://wiki.odroid.com/access...
75,3470typistAlgebraic data types for Ruby
75,3470kunabiWrapper for Gerbil Prelude
75,3470proteus_clientIt provides an interface to use proteus features
75,3470jekyll-deploy-spacesDeploy a jekyll static site to DigitalOcean Spaces.
75,3470git-tableflipSometimes you just get frustrated with Git and you need to blow off a little steam.
75,3470knodAn http server built using Ruby's standard library
75,3470pullreview-coverageCollect coverage information generated by simplecov and send them to PullReview.com
75,3470math_tasksSimple gem for some math tasks.
75,3470rubyneatRubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...