Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167721-167740 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772rabbit-slide-kou-apache-arrow-osakaApache Arrowが解決したい問題、設計方針、速さの秘密、現在できること、今後できるようになることなど、Apache Arrowを知らない人でもApache Arrow...
136,3772Top_20_Deals"This Gem shows users the Top 20 Travel deals of the week curated by TravelZoo.com."
136,3772google_visualr_rails5This Ruby gem, GoogleVisualr, is a wrapper around the Google Chart Tools that allows an...
136,3772elasticsearch-query-dslRuby block DSL for writing ElasticSearch queries
136,3772stickykit-railsSticky-kit is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to do sticky sidebars. This gem gives ...
136,3772glimpse-mysql2Provide a glimpse into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
136,3772foul_ballGiven some input text and a set of rules/words, determine if the input contains foul la...
136,3772lita-zhihu-dailyGet zhihu daily/monthly hot posts
136,3772rake_deployConfigurable rake tasks for deploying static content via rsync
136,3772voteable_eliseThe best voting gem ever.
136,3772danger-swift_lintA Danger plugin for displaying SwiftLint issues in your pull request
136,3772pivotal2githubImport Pivotal Tracker stories into Github Issues
136,3772sluggable_willemSluggify url's for your reddit clone app
136,3772apns-clientA Ruby client library for communicating with the APNS Proxy server.
136,3772purp-ruby-gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m...
136,3772link-middlewareImplementation of LINK/UNLINK using Rack middleware
136,3772recruiting_newsThe latest news from great sources covering high school athletes who aspire to play col...
136,3772fullfattesthjcoreSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
136,3772dazaiOne of the most famous authors in Japan, Osamu Dazai's novel generator.
136,3772logstash-filter-sigThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...