Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168181-168200 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342wilks_calcMethods for calculating both male and females' Wilks scores for powerlifting
146,8342convenluCommit message will be formatted based on defined stantards
146,8342wpcliSimple wrapper for wp-cli (http://wp-cli.org/)
146,8342ccbCocos2d-JS project builder tools
146,8342dftccGenerates analysis report of code coverage
146,8342country_listSome useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country objects
146,8342cd2_catton_cmsManange your pages
146,8342cryptkeeperUse cryptkeeper to talk to Google Storage
146,8342clementineclojurescript tilt template gem and available to use on Rails asset pipeline.
146,8342uumlUse this rack middleware to add umlauts to your u's where appropriate.
146,8342vcloud-disk_launcherTool to launch and configure vCloud Independent Disks. Uses vcloud-core.
146,8342whodunnitA simple edit tracking system to keep track of who changed a model.
146,8342buble-rubyRuby bridge to the Bublé ES6 transpiler
146,8342bunq_rbBunq API Client
146,8342cache_debuggingVerify cache key dependencies
146,8342vtt2assConvert VTT subtitles to ASS subtitles
146,8342cocoapods-xccacheA short description of cocoapods-xccache.
146,8342bundler-consoleA bundler plugin that starts a console session with your gem dependencies.
146,8342conference_trackerImplementation of the Conference Track Management kata
146,8342weak_hasha hash that stores objects until they are garbage collected