Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180401-180420 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700ruboty-exec_commandAdd command to ruboty as a handler
38,9700sclemmer-robutA simple plugin-enabled HipChat bot
38,9700selwet["Gem for creating web tests based on Selenium"]
38,9700statsd-metricsA small gem to enqueue statsd metrics and send them to the statsd/grpahite server over UDP
38,9700straightedgegive me a compass and straightedge and i will conquer the world
38,9700stupid_testStupid, experimental clone of minitest
38,9700swapiA Ruby helper library for swapi.co - the Star Wars API
38,9700thomlerRuby on Thomler
38,9700authenticator-clientThis is a rest client for account authenticator.
38,9700le_memeA gem that generates memes. Can be used as a library or command-line executable.
38,9700sluggable_jakekaadUse this to create slugs to hide parameters in your urls.
38,9700fxosThis Ruby gem will help to focus on code and let new contributors don't get confused wi...
38,9700simplificator_infrastructureInfrastructure support for Rails Apps. So far only error pages are implemented.
38,9700ukkuEasily deploy your application to your own server using "git push"
38,9700gem-agSearch installed gems with ag
38,9700celsius-primoGeneric primo celsius adapter
38,9700check_pathAdd some helpers that checks current path.
38,9700classless_mudRun your own server
38,9700pooled_redisProvides `Rails.redis_pool` & `Rails.redis` methods and configuration via `database...