Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168121-168140 of all 180,571 gems.
166,5671valentineValentine is a simple validation library for JSON and ordinary Hash based on an easy Ha...
166,5671transferwise-rbRuby gem for Transferwise Apis
166,5671vagrant-aliyunEnables Vagrant Provider for Aliyun VM
166,5671versionizeVersionize exists to provide simple version management and reporting.
166,5671trusted_attributesMass assignment security in your controller, yo
166,5671trendhubView github trending repositories from your terminal.
166,5671transferTransfer data from any source database, supported Sequel, to ActiveRecord, Sequel or Mo...
166,5671xcpdeproj_settingA tool to change a setting in an Xcode project
166,5671vagas-orientdb4rOrientdb4r provides a simple interface on top of OrientDB's RESTful HTTP API (VAGAS.com...
166,5671weather_fundsRuby interface to results from weatherfunds.co.uk
166,5671voteable-dcousetteA simple gem to add voting behavior to objects
166,5671voteable_jacka voting gem
166,5671trackable-clickCurrently only provides a form helper for submit tags.
166,5671transition_events_jsjQuery plugin to set listeners for CSS Transition animation end or specific part.
166,5671uri-subdomainadd subdomain methods to URI::HTTP
166,5671validate_argsIt allows you to specify validations for method arguments, using `validate_args` to sup...
166,5671ttf2eotConvert TTF fonts to EOT fonts
166,5671wwpass-ruby-sdkConnect to the WWPass server to authenticate, get and put tickets, and read/write/lock ...
166,5671yeller_rubyA Ruby/Rack/Rails client for yellerapp.com
166,5671txRuby 1.8/1.9 binding of Tx, a library for a compact trie data structure