Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169461-169480 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450tab_menuRails Gem to generate tabs
91,6450francois-ad_gear_clientA Ruby client for accessing AdGear http://bloomdigital.com/
91,6450plus-oneThis generic plus-one script for bumping a git tag and pushing it to the 'origin'.
91,6450google-cloud-storage_insights-v1Provides insights capability on Google Cloud Storage. Note that google-cloud-storage_in...
91,6450rails_helpers_fixQuick fix to include plugin's helpers for rails 3.0.0
91,6450podwrapSimple RSS wrapper for podcast feed parsing
91,6450mapkick-staticCreate beautiful static maps with one line of Ruby
91,6450ndp-ayudanteAssertions for working with fixtures more easily. Assertions to assert pre/post conditi...
91,6450grafA simple git log analyzer gem
91,6450jekyll-reduce-title-redundancyA Jekyll plugin that repeats titles of posts so you don't have to
91,6450pdf-rendering-srv-rubySimple Ruby wrapper for seding requests to pdf-rendering-srv.
91,6450holahoraA simple hello world gem
91,6450timmylu_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
91,6450inspecterReusable Serverspec/Rspec tests library
91,6450ionicaA gem that provides a lightweight responsive grid
91,6450mongoid_abilityCustom Ability class that allows CanCanCan authorization library store permissions in M...
91,6450infopark_dashboardInfopark Dashboard
91,6450rails-subpartialAllowing rails to look in subfolders first for partials
91,6450mongoid_approbationMongoid Approbation
91,6450registry-railsA container for storing objects and values in the application as long as the request li...