Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180561-180580 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870shiftlyFactory shift methods collection
135,8870slack-rtmapislack-rtmapi is dumb: no EventMachine, no Celluloid, no Actor design pattern, no thread...
135,8870roger_jshintLint JavaScript files from within Roger, using jshint. Will use .jshintrc.
135,8870ruboty-calendarDisplay Calendar for ruboty.
135,8870bart_waiting_listGet data from the BART select-a-spot waiting list page
135,8870cocoapods-chillax-swiftA CocoaPods plugin to disable compiler optimizations on certain pods.
135,8870chrislloyd-awesome_nested_setAn awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set.
135,8870rfoRails Form Object
135,8870christianhellsten-MysqlBackupmysql-backup is a command line tool that backups all MySQL database instances it can fi...
135,8870Chrononaut-aegisAegis is a role-based permission system, where all users are given a role. It is possib...
135,8870brontes3d-xmpp4rXMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.
135,8870bsherman-compassSass-Based CSS Meta-Framework. Semantic, Maintainable CSS.
135,8870butzopower-cupsRuby CUPS provides a wrapper for the Common UNIX Printing System, allowing rubyists to ...
135,8870buzzware-buzzcorebuzzcore is the ruby core library developed and used by Buzzware Solutions.
135,8870c7-personnummerPersonnummer handles validation of Swedish personal identity numbers.
135,8870caifara-lighthouse-apiRubyGem wrapper for ActiveResource API to http://lighthouseapp.com
135,8870caius-safariwatirWATIR stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". See WATIR project for more informa...
135,8870calas-ruby-wsdRuby bindings for http://www.websequencediagrams.com
135,8870cedric-blacklistBlackList is a Ruby library offering simple content filtering via blacklisted words.
135,8870cehoffman-acts_as_ferretacts_as_ferret - Ferret based full text search for any ActiveRecord model