Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169921-169940 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380haltableHaltable is a gem that allows halting controller actions to simplify the flows.
89,5380mandelbro_test_gemIncredibly new test gem that tests gem mandelbro!
89,5380hpackRuby implementation of the HPACK (Header Compression for HTTP/2) standard available at ...
89,5380mappdWith it you can add the ability to create columns outside the default schema, directly ...
89,5380number_plate_validatorThis gem allows you to validate a license plate number from a chosen country/region. It...
89,5380neo4apis-activerecordA ruby gem using neo4apis to make importing SQL data to neo4j easy
89,5380require_pattern_xtWrite a longer description. Optional.
89,5380kakuyomu_agentSelenium script for Kakuyomu episode management
89,5380maktoubA simple newsletter engine for rails.
89,5380rand_sumgenerate random numbers that sum up to a given integer
89,5380eph_jplEphJcg is a ephemeris calculation tool by JPL method.
89,5380sarrayA gem which converts a String array of hashes into an array of hashes
89,5380rails-forumDescription of TinyForum.
89,5380omniauth-litmusOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Litmus
89,5380sensu-plugins-jolokiaSensu plugins for Jolokia
89,5380ruby-slugifyURL-friendly slugify in Ruby
89,5380minecraft-query-v2A gem to retrieve data from a Minecraft server's query interface and manage a Minecraft...
89,5380spectrum-analyzerAnalyze a wav file for specific frequency signatures
89,5380dynamosaurusDynamodb simple ORM
89,5380exec2Small interface wrapping Process::spawn