Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169981-170000 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900beanstalkappOfficial wrapper for Beanstalk API.
140,0900cmd_stan_rbStan is a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and high-performance stati...
140,0900cosmosc2-tool-tablemanagerThis plugin adds the COSMOS Table Manager tool
140,0900begetterBegetter creates a reference to a class constant from a string.
140,0900vertformRails vertical form generator from a Hash. {"label" => "rails code"}
140,0900crowdfund_jfA funding app for startups!
140,0900cdek_apiCDEK API
140,0900careacademy-runbookRunbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...
140,0900beawesomeinstead-rubyglotSimple internationalization solution for Merb/Rails.
140,0900y_awesome_gemfirst gem
140,0900clear-caseThis is minimal theme for blofs
140,0900yahoo_store_apiYahoo!ショッピング プロフェッショナル出店ストア向けAPIを簡単に叩けるrubyラッパー
140,0900zinvAnsible dynamic inventory script for hosts monitored by zabbix
140,0900ASMOperationsSimple project, right now supports only basic types, later on i will add more assembly ...
140,0900dangeruAwoo / danger/u/ API wrapper for ruby
140,0900you_bugginA simple debugging gem
140,0900yelpedAn object-oriented interface to the Yelp Developer API.This is a gem version of Yelpste...
140,0900whitepages_proWhitePagesPRO provides lookup and anti-fraud APIs. For API access, please contact pro-s...