Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170001-170020 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700finalizersAdds finalizers to ActiveRecord models to clean up both database child dependencies and...
38,9700gadget# Gadget Some methods for getting metadata and other deep details from a PostgreSQL da...
38,9700flex_passExtension of `has_secure_password` that enables the possibility to use a coder differen...
38,9700mighty_associationsTraversing superpowers for your ActiveRecord associations
38,9700jfoundryHigh-level library for working with the Jing Dong Foundry API.
38,9700heroku_pullPull the current Postgres database from Heroku into your local server
38,9700clc-gitRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
38,9700rack-domainThis Rack middleware allows you to run specific apps when the request domain matche...
38,9700cc_holaA simple gem to fetch controller names 态action names and notes
38,9700fendev_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
38,9700cloverSimplistic yet powerful testing library for Ruby
38,9700studio_game_jjoSample program created during Pragmatic Programmer Ruby tutorial.
38,9700ranked-model-hstoreVariation of ranked-model using Pg HStore.
38,9700saseoRabbitMQ based replacement for PaperTrail
38,9700fluent-plugin-buffered-metricsFluentd plugin derive metrics from log buffer chunks and submit to various metrics back...
38,9700regexp-collectionA gem providing pre-made and tested typical regular expressions for applications.
38,9700data_shapeSimple definitions for data structures in ruby
38,9700def_initializeDefine an initializer along with attribute accessors in one line