Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171561-171580 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380intelSearch analytics made easy
89,5380headerable_etagUse additional headers to caculate ETag
89,5380gs2-ruby-sdk-matchmakingGame Server Services GS2-Matchmaking Client Library
89,5380mnist-playgroundSmall playground to test different machine learning strategies
89,5380ironic_ruby_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications
89,5380petitestA minimal solid testing framework for Ruby.
89,5380response_mateCli tool to make inspecting and recording HTTP requests fun again
89,5380ruby_ufcA simple Ruby wrapper to communicate with the UFC API.
89,5380file_signatureMonkeypatches File and IO to include a '''magic_number_type''' method which returns a s...
89,5380larsklevan_s3_swf_uploadRails 3 gem that allows you to upload files directly to S3 from your application using ...
89,5380ignoringTool for managing gitignores
89,5380template2railsrefer https://github.com/jimanx2/template2rails
89,5380transaction_reliabilityFunctions to wrap and retry a code block when the DB declares a serialization failure o...
89,5380kamaze-projectA bunch of (rake) tasks to automatize development workflows.
89,5380ruby_lambdaCommand line tool to locally run, test and deploy your Ruby app to AWS Lambda.
89,5380server_componentA painless framework for React apps.
89,5380HelloGemTestGeekHubA simple hello world gem
89,5380preact-rpc-clientThis gem consists of helper functions to interact with the preact-rpc server
89,5380nelsonagamata_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
89,5380istox-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to...