Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171601-171620 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380embulk-parser-none-binEmbulk parser plugin not to parse at all.
89,5380nova-tcpCan transfer multiple files at once.
89,5380spotify-rubyBuild integrations with the different Spotify APIs inside of your application. For more...
89,5380munnaOptimize rails's expensive action with cache through Cache
89,5380ghnCommandline tool for GitHub notifications
89,5380dynamictostaticThis ruby gem converts iOS Dynamic Frameworks to Static Frameworks.
89,5380google_map_directionsA wrapper gem for the google directions API
89,5380dumbopostgres extension with fun
89,5380salesforce_modelBase ActiveRecord subclass for accessing Heroku Connect sync tables
89,5380sc-big_sitemapBigSitemap is a Sitemapgenerator suitable for applications with greater than 50,000 URL...
89,5380getty_connectA ruby wrapper for the Getty Images Connect API
89,5380selenium-railsSupport for using Selenium RC with Rails
89,5380merokuNo Description
89,5380open_github_issueAllow users to open issues on GitHub from your UI securely.
89,5380souschefChef helper to get you started fast
89,5380fastlane-plugin-setup_app_feedback_sdkSetup the Info.plist for App Feedback SDK
89,5380middleman-lunrjsThis is a plugin of middleman for lunrjs.
89,5380thrurlCall Thrift services from the command line, as easily as a cURL
89,5380jekyll-aspect-ratioThis plugin enables the use of a custom Liquid tag {% aspectratio filepath %}, to find ...
89,5380rack-json_common_loggerMonkey patching of rack commomlogger module to write rack logs in json format.