Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171881-171900 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170crowncrown is uncategorized ruby libraries, which is added according to author's mood :-D
141,6170bitbuckitBitbucket API
141,6170chef-handler-run-dataExports node data to disk at end of successful run
141,6170cynergy-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
141,6170cactusCactus is a CSS testing framework. It ensures that you always have the same CSS styling...
141,6170component_embedded_rubyHTML templates with embedded Ruby components
141,6170dropbox-archiveAutomatically upload files to dropbox and remove them from the local filesystem when th...
141,6170easel_helpers_liteLightweight helper library that makes using easel with Rails a snap
141,6170dm-accepts_nested_attributesA datamapper plugin that allows nested model assignment like activerecord.
141,6170env_extenv_ext adds additional methods to ENV for common environment variables, used on Linux,...
141,6170api-downloadDownload mp3 from mp3.zing.vn
141,6170cubus-settingslogicA simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a...
141,6170d3-cloud-railsMakes a wordle-like wordcloud script using D3.js available to the asset pipeline.
141,6170capletsCaplets modernizes your capistrano deployments. At its most basic, it provides a fast,...
141,6170bcurren-freshbooks.rbFreshBooks.rb is a Ruby interface to the FreshBooks API. It exposes easy-to-use classes...
141,6170cocoapods-binary-flutterlz binary flutter zip integrated.
141,6170ActiveSearch api for Active Network
141,6170crawlab_ruby_sdkWrite a longer description or delete this line.
141,6170airbrake_user_attributes_rails5Adds information about the current user to error reports
141,6170azure-janmg-commonMicrosoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Ruby