Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171941-171960 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171tweek_catalogueWrite a gem description
147,2171digitnineDigitnine API gem
147,2171yarrrml_template_builderCreates a templated version of YARRRML, missing the source and iteration type so they c...
147,2171culqi-ruby-oficialNuestra Biblioteca Culqi-Ruby oficial, es compatible con la v2.0 del Culqi API, con el ...
147,2171alexrevin-aasm_numericalAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
147,2171cbmes-contactContact Management Service API
147,2171web_update_checkerFirst time of execution, this library get the specifified URL and preserve the result. ...
147,2171crane-railsInitialize this gem with `crane-rails bootstrap`
147,2171smart_injectSmartInject is a minimalist, flexible and efficient dependency injection for Ruby based...
147,2171rvideo-tecnobratInspect and process video or audio files
147,2171tm_bundle_supportHelpful ruby scripts for textmate bundle developers.
147,2171content_generatorframework for generating content from a chef resource
147,2171uiboxDescription of Uibox.
147,2171privacy_enforcerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171teste13213213Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
147,2171rails_orgSaaS multi org with members module
147,2171callable_operationSimple mixin for callable operations.
147,2171dummy_gem_rjIt does nothing.
147,2171satsnamessatsnames - sats names helpers for bitcoin ordinal inscription names, relays and more
147,2171customer_extAllows IVO::Core to handle customers