Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171921-171940 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170dynamicsA framework for developing RubyMotion applications quickly.
141,6170board-sse-linuxfr.orgUsers of the LinuxFr.org website can chat on a space called the board (« la tribune » i...
141,6170birkirb-acts_as_serializableEasy versioning of serialization methods
141,6170bjhess-time-warpTimeWarp is a ruby library for manipulating times in automated tests.
141,6170cocoapods-dylintValidates a Pod without simulator.
141,6170caldavRuby client for CalDAV calendar and tasks.
141,6170easydomExperimental gem to access XML elements from simple dot notation (e.g. person.name).
141,6170bkoski-integrity-watcherBuild your integrityapp projects from the command line (or cron)
141,6170bootsallows you to avoid typing require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))
141,6170blackwinter-rss2mailSend RSS feeds as e-mail
141,6170dubbletrack_remotePosts data from automation systems to dubbletrack.com. Requires dubbletrack account
141,6170blackwinter-ruby-filemagicRuby bindings to the magic(4) library
141,6170dapsLike taps but for files.
141,6170catfriendE-mail checker with libnotify desktop notifications.
141,6170daviesinc_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
141,6170cashman_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
141,6170dunn_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
141,6170anywhere_timeDiscover AnywhereTimeGem: Instantly access real-time information globally. Effortlessly...
141,6170carrierwave-swift-swauthA store for carrierwave that uses openstack swift. Authenication is assumed to be swauth.