Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172281-172300 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342bnicovideoGet niconico douga video information using browser's cookie
146,8342attestorValidations for immutable Ruby objects
146,8342bobbleFor pinging your web services (any URL) & freely or cheaply getting email/SMS notificat...
146,8342bookkeeperBokkeeper is a Rails mountable engine with Twitter Bootstrap compatible markup.
146,8342chuggleBased on this http://www.stickyminds.com/sitewide.asp?Function=edetail&ObjectType=COL&O...
146,8342branchable_cdn_assetsHelpers for syncing and finding assets accross multiple remotes
146,8342botanicus-merb-paginationPagination for Merb framework
146,8342clean-ideaClean up the intellij Android studio files
146,8342dacomA Ruby port of the Dacom/LGU+ payment library for Korea.
146,8342botanicus-merb-pathThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,8342bootstrap_form_builder_newAdds a Twitter Bootstrap FormBuilder.
146,8342botherbotherbotherbother attaches to shell commands (cd) and gives you a random tip on how to...
146,8342bondageclass Binding stinks, module Bondage stinks less. Bondage provides hashes of local, gl...
146,8342boxcar_apiA simple way to send notifications to yourself or your users through Boxcar.
146,8342belongs_to_remoteActiveRecord belongs to ActiveResource association (e.g. belongs_to_remote :user). Supp...
146,8342wheelhouse-bannersAllows advertising banners to be added to a Wheelhouse CMS site.
146,8342yholaA Simple hello world!
146,8342bronzeA composable application toolkit, providing data entities and collections, transforms, ...
146,8342brpm_module_bladelogicBladeLogic automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework...
146,8342breadmachineBreadMachine facilitates payment processing, including 3-D Secure, with the SecureTradi...