Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172321-172340 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380kono_utilsGemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...
89,5380jquery-datatables-rails-plusjquery-datatables gem for rails, edited by kornosk for specific purpose
89,5380linode_clusterA simple wrapper library for creating a cluster of Linodes.
89,5380solidus_stock_supplierAdds support to receive stock from supplier in Solidus
89,5380joinme-apiA simple library for communicating with the join.me API (https://secure.join.me/welcome...
89,5380paperclip-av-chainerAudio/Video Chainer for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv
89,5380paysto-railsPaysto.com implementation for Ruby on Rails applications
89,5380motherduckersome random summary for now
89,5380polyfillrbProvides user agent specific polyfills to the browser easily in ruby
89,5380rabbit-slide-unasuke-railsdm_2018_day_3_extremeRailsdm 2018 day 3 extreme
89,5380ra11yRuby-based accessibility testing for Jekyll and other static sites
89,5380pixi_layersA gem for importing the pixi_layers.js canvas library into Rails projects.
89,5380pixi_lightsA gem for importing the pixi_lights.js canvas library into Rails projects.
89,5380pixi_projectionTechnically requires spine2d, and will throw a TypeError error without it.
89,5380travis_dedupStop all builds on the same PR when a new job starts.
89,5380running_countCounter caches for Rails applications, including cached running counts. Using redis and...
89,5380just-encryptThe simplest gem for encrypt data
89,5380ruby6502A Ruby emulator for the 6502. The 6502 is powered by http://rubbermallet.org/fake6502.c
89,5380devise_campaignableInspired by the now slightly out of date devise_mailchimp this gem works in a similar f...
89,5380MavenSearchsupport you easy to search maven library by then terminal . simple use this on your ter...