Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173021-173040 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850zizustatic site generator and deployment tool.
157,4850weixin_authorize_superayiweixin api authorize access_token
157,4850twitter_image_tagAllows for displaying Twitter profile picture in a view with only a Twitter username an...
157,4850topfunky-githubThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
157,4850to_poroSimple module allowing fetching data as Ruby objects.
157,4850toretore-simple_password_authenticationPassword authentication for SimpleAuthentication
157,4850tire-erezTire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...
157,4850star_warsStar Wars meets Ruby
157,4850td-querierA client to perform and retry queries against treasure data using sidekiq as background...
157,4850tiny_core_usersSimple reusable user management with generator based on authlogic
157,4850voteable_cgebVoting gem made by cgeb
157,4850tivohmoAllows one to author Tivo HMO applications using ruby
157,4850torqmlTorQML provides an architecture for describing 3D structures in Qt Quick QML and enable...
157,4850whatimeanDiscover the correct typo of a word using Google search.
157,4850to_romanCreate roman representation on an integer in the range 1..3999
157,4850teihitsu_training_cliA simple quiz application based on CLI.
157,4850white_goldRuby gem for building pure ruby graphical user interface. Uses TGUI & SFML as a bac...
157,4850transactorTransactional actors for easy rollbacks
157,4850torupees100.to_rupees => "१०० |०"
157,4850totolotekGenerate random numbers for a polish lotto game