Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173081-173100 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171big_dog_consultants_ltd_view_toolThis will add a copyright symbol with the current year and a custom notice as the secon...
147,2171spectre-mysqlAdds MySQL access functionality to the spectre framework
147,2171proveProve makes it easy to verify phone numbers with voice and SMS.
147,2171system_keychainStore account credentials in the OS keychain
147,2171snack-railsThis gem provides SnackJS for your Rails 3 application.
147,2171wikipaddle_cartographerClient library for the cartographer service.
147,2171quickeningQuickening is a Rails gem for adding to your model a facility to query and manage dupli...
147,2171dynadotDropcatch domains and manage your Dynadot account with Ruby.
147,2171cleverelementsThe API works with the network protocol SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). SOAP libr...
147,2171darmani_game67A Darmani game
147,2171becarioSelenium script to log your readmine hours from a csv file
147,2171dynamourDynamoDB + Amour
147,2171thetvdb_mapperMapping and normalizing data fetched by thetvdb_api
147,2171vestigeDistributed tracing for Rails applications
147,2171validates_guatemala_identityValidates Guatemala Identity Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
147,2171paperclip_cloudfilesProvides a :cloudfiles storage options for Paperclip.
147,2171bjornblomqvist-breadcrumb_trailAdds a breadcrumb trail to your Rails application.
147,2171betastoreJust a gem