Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172941-172960 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850thrift-clientThrift client
157,4850zfakerThis gem makes it easy to customize and test with custom fake data.
157,4850test_serverTest server for proxies
157,4850tiendung-rhunspellSimplest Ruby binding for Hunspell spelling checking library
157,4850titanicdeploys, published, and consumes stuff
157,4850theme-xyzWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
157,4850timeout_jobSet a timeout to Sidekiq jobs
157,4850thehiveThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
157,4850vyapariComes with an admin interface to configure brands, multilevel categories & products
157,4850timeratortimerator takes a start and end Time and allows the programmer to iterate for different...
157,4850wallaceWallace is a powerful, flexible and modular toolkit for running Evolutionary Algorithms...
157,4850tttTTT is a Tic Tac Toe lib, as well as a CLI and GUI to play it.
157,4850webget_ruby_secure_randomWebGet Ruby Gem: secure random number method for Ruby 1.8.6
157,4850time_remainingThis gem uses a moving average of previous task execution durations and how much work i...
157,4850www-tvtropesInteract with tvtropes.org
157,4850timestepsA library for time conversion and intercomparison of multiple time series data in th...
157,4850style-sassThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
157,4850zimdbAccess movie information from IMDb via the API offered by http://www.imdbapi.com/
157,4850time_zones_apiSDK for the timezonesapi.com API
157,4850strongboltUse model-level authorization with a very granular roles and permissions definition.