Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173101-173120 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171pdf_extractorPDFTk wrapper to extract form fiels
147,2171static_record_cachePermanently caches subclasses of ActiveRecord in memory.
147,2171super_dicelong dice description
147,2171warbleAn educational pure-Ruby WebAssembly runtime
147,2171tgvTGV is a gem that helps you to build vue.js apps on top of ruby on rails.
147,2171talhaNão se misture com essa gem talha.
147,2171radishlonger description of your gem
147,2171blinkerblinker: simple timer with blink(1)
147,2171rack-objectspaceSaves objectspace to a key-value store after every request
147,2171simple-graphA simple, no-frills graph implementation.
147,2171backlog-cliBacklog command line interface.
147,2171yosesimple json storage using psql, jsonb.
147,2171smartnotify2Utility for sending various types of notifications via a common configurable interface.
147,2171commandos-activemodelA plugin for Commandos
147,2171rails_sparklinesSmall charts, graphs and other data visualization for rails
147,2171wp-dockerThe easiest way to for WordPress using Docker containers
147,2171woopra_railsWoopra for Ruby on Rails
147,2171wiringpi-rubyWiringPi library wrapper for the Raspberry Pi. Wraps up version 2.x of the Arduino wiri...
147,2171android_drawable_resizerYou can work with icons only in the highest density (xxxhpdi, for example) and let the ...
147,2171rails-feature-flipA more flexible way to manage settings and features in you rails app.