Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174281-174300 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171wukong-loadLets you load data from the command-line into data stores like * Elasticsearch * M...
147,2171wysihtml5_with_psTemporary clone of wysihtml5. I need a published version supporting p tags to include i...
147,2171vcs-annvcs-ann is an interactive wrapper for "annotate" and "diff" of svn and git. vcs-ann en...
147,2171chef-handler-deleterDeletes after notifications run.
147,2171petitest-assertionsAssertions for Petitest.
147,2171sinicumProvides the necessary functionality to work with Magnolia-managed content in a Rails a...
147,2171workinHelpper to transfer the rvm control to current selected workdir.
147,2171roostify-pkcs11This module allows Ruby programs to interface with "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptogr...
147,2171devcamp_view_tool_practiceProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
147,2171altcoinA Ruby Library for dealing with crypto currencies, inspired and based off of the Money ...
147,2171dressingA Capybara driver for Sauce Labs
147,2171rails_parserAn parser for Rails apps
147,2171schlepp-awsAWS-specific transports for Schlepp
147,2171automatonImplementation of automata, supporting visualization and regular language operations
147,2171anderson_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
147,2171diplomat-blskDiplomat is a simple wrapper for Consul
147,2171apple-properties-twine-formatterThis formatter helps localize Apple plist files
147,2171solidus_clientSolidus eCommerce API Ruby client