Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174401-174420 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870rspec-formattersA collection of useful RSpec 3 formatters
135,8870squirrellA kinda magical gem for query objects
135,8870bootstrap_datepicker_tagView helper that allow to select date from calendar using bootstrap library
135,8870chatspryAPI wrapper for chatspry in ruby
135,8870socialfredSocial Fred API Client: schedule social posts to multiple social networks
135,8870bootstrap-rails4This is a gem to personality the bootstrapt by integrated in rails applications
135,8870sqdSquid (sqd) namespace reservation
135,8870cloudformation-dslRuby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.
135,8870tigaribuLabs_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
135,8870spree_admin_tabControl the visibility of admin tabs by adding an extra param
135,8870autorunA simple scripting helper module
135,8870burstsmsRuby Interface for the Burst SMS gateway
135,8870replicationData replication as templates for Ruby ORMs
135,8870scashin133-rsamlRSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined...
135,8870to_excelExport ruby objects to excel file
135,8870sensu-extensions-proc-net-snmpCollect metrics in /proc/net/snmp
135,8870snappy_statsMetrics storage and retrieval library for time series data.
135,8870thecore_ui_rails_adminHolds all base dependencies and configurations to have a thecore integrated with Rails ...
135,8870tinyeditor_railsJavascript WYSIWYG using tinyEditor
135,8870sirestasiRESTa is a DSL for declarative REST APIs. It can generate a ruby API (w/ sinatra) an...