Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174361-174380 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250rails_uptimeRails application Up Time
68,6250geisterMy first gem with bundler
68,6250pttPivotal Tracker Command Line Interface (forked from pt)
68,6250konfiguracja-railsRails integration for Konfiguracja gem
68,6250terraspace_vcs_bitbucketTerraspace VCS Bitbucket support
68,6250VaughnGroundskeeper to manage your rails application
68,6250rock_paper_scissors_emojiPlay against the computer or play against another human being. Choose the number of gam...
68,6250homeland-pressPress/Blog/News plugin for Homeland, this gem is only work on Homeland Application.
68,6250outland-tag_runesEncode Rails session and request id into the log using only 7 columns, via Unicode.
68,6250rails_nestable_layoutsDead simple nested layouts for Rails
68,6250rabbit-slide-Piro-sysadgirl-backyard[PHP勉強会@東京](https://phpstudy.doorkeeper.jp/events/60540)用発表資料です。 * [View on Speaker D...
68,6250mtgox-rubytrade bitcoins from ruby
68,6250validates_against_stopforumspamActiveRecord model validation against stopforumspam.com (Rails 3)
68,6250mpo_toolsTools for working with MPO format stereoscopic 3D images
68,6250php_vmphp_vm is a native bridge between Ruby and PHP.
68,6250paperclip-new-qiniunew paperclip plugin for qiniu
68,6250scoped-tagsScoped tagging plugin for your rails models which keeps your associations in sync with ...
68,6250passkeepstores and encrypts passwords locally, keeps password metadata for easy password retrieval
68,6250russia_todayHolidays according to official calendar.
68,6250sonic-screwdriverMulti-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure