Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174381-174400 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870boost-dnz-clientRuby library for accessing Digital New Zealand's search API (digitalnz.org)
135,8870ssh_broLoad SSH config from a Google Doc.
135,8870upcomingGenerate recurring dates based on slightly more complex rules than usual (eg. last work...
135,8870symbolmatrixVery useful for configuration files, SymbolMatrix is a hash-like multidimentional Symbo...
135,8870SorobanSoroban makes it easy to extract and execute formulas from Excel spreadsheets. It rewri...
135,8870trashwhen it's hard to say goodbye, and rm is just too much... use trash instead.
135,8870shouldersCSS starter toolkit
135,8870seventytwoProgramming Language, optimized for Code Golfing
135,8870tekeyaa social engine for Rails applications based on Redis and RebatDB
135,8870bootstrap-cdn-railsBootstrap CDN support for Rails 3 and 4
135,8870showroom_apiprovide API for Showroom-live
135,8870azure-sdk-for-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
135,8870business_dayDate calculations based on business calendars
135,8870roboscottCheck if YAML files contain secrets that should be in ENV
135,8870stingMinimal, lightweight, multi-YAML settings
135,8870chickenSCSS add-ons for Edison Union.
135,8870traxRails CMS/Blog
135,8870win32olerotwin32olerot provides an adjunct to the standard WIN32OLE Ruby library for access to the...
135,8870bootstrap_form-datetimepickerbootstrap_form add-on to embed bootstrap-datetimepicker simply.