Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174321-174340 of all 180,571 gems.
166,5671ulaminateGenerate an Ulam spiral sequence. PNG output available.
166,5671xcodebuild-rbBuild Xcode projects using Rake
166,5671zuluA standalone PuSH-inspired service for scheduling web hook execution
166,5671welaika-suspendersweLaika's fork of the famous thoughbot suspenders gem.
166,5671whiteprintWhiteprint allows you to define attributes within your models. This definition allows f...
166,5671yahoo_sportsRuby library for parsing stats from Yahoo! Sports pages. Currently supports MLB, NBA, N...
166,5671xcappCommand line tool for creating iOS XCode projects with a set of common files included i...
166,5671waifu2x-harrisbairdNoise Reduction and 2x Upscaling for anime style images
166,5671wiser_chatEnable real-time chat easily in your Ruby on Rails application.
166,5671uber_presenterUberPresenter is a gem to add presenters to Ruby on Rails projects
166,5671workitworkit solves the following dilemma: As a developer In order to kep track of my ti...
166,5671wixyA library for working with classical ciphers of the pencil-and-paper sort.
166,5671vagrant-ansible_inventoryHelps defining and building ansible inventory files programatically via configuration a...
166,5671tribe_emEvent driven network IO for the Tribe gem.
166,5671weak_observableObservable::Weak is very similar to Observable from ruby’ standard library, but with th...
166,5671wti_tasksRake tasks for wti project push and pull
166,5671wip-runnerwip-runner... - A generic CLI (loads context-based commands) - A library for bu...
166,5671work_togetherAutomatically generate pairs and tables for you class from the command line.
166,5671workarea-nvy_themeNvy Theme is an apparel focused theme for the Workarea ecommerce platform