Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174601-174620 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170cljLike json, but with clojure sexps.
141,6170derussianDelocalize dates on russian to english one
141,6170apns-persistentapns-persistent is a gem for sending APNs and easy to manage connections.
141,6170cauleDSL to build crawlers easily
141,6170ember-i18n-railsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
141,6170bullion_vaultA Ruby wrapper for the BullionVault XML API
141,6170envisoRuby wrapper for the Enviso API
141,6170cooksmateNew gem
141,6170caboose-storeSell products on your site using Caboose.
141,6170chatchartThis is a package of various crappy ruby code which generally revolves around ASCII dra...
141,6170distribuoSimple mobile app distribution
141,6170ethliteethlite - light-weight machinery to query / call ethereum (blockchain contract) service...
141,6170elevenlabs-amp-jekyllA Jekyll plugin to generate Accelerated Mobile Pages.
141,6170bradgessler-google-spreadsheet-rubyThis is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.
141,6170decisiveDSL for rendering CSVs from an array of objects
141,6170datetime_splitterSplits datetime field into date & time fields
141,6170basic88-bit micro compatible BASIC interpreter. (Ruby)
141,6170akephalos2Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara
141,6170extra_attributesA simple alternative to acts_as_eav_model. Use JSON to store extra attrubutes.