Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174561-174580 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470togglv8-tflToggl v8 API wrapper (See https://github.com/toggl/toggl_api_docs)
75,3470manreduceA complete development stack for social computation.
75,3470plisterA utility for programmatically setting OS X plist file preferences
75,3470gem_ofPuppet common tools and setup, for testing, building and documenting ruby projects
75,3470thinkificThinkific is an online education / course management system. It has a public API. This ...
75,3470ropcRead the tags from an OPC server using Win32 OLE for monitoring and data analysis.
75,3470rozporekA sinatra app for uploading zip files and storing them in the publick dir
75,3470gem-fuzzyA Rubygems plugin which adds a 'fuzzy' command which fuzzy-searches for gems and prints...
75,3470middleman-tocableTOC generator for Middleman.
75,3470omniauth-dexcom-oauth2Dexcom OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
75,3470nakshNodal Associative Knowledge Shell
75,3470merkle-hash-treeAn RFC6962-compliant implementation of Merkle Hash Trees
75,3470rethothRethoth is a simple to understand, run and maintain Ruby blogging engine. Rethoth ...
75,3470studio_game_by_kaunainMultiplayer treasurehunt game
75,3470rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20240128[LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティング 2024-01-28](https://lilo.connpass.com/event/306590/)の発表資料です。
75,3470rspec_extensions_collectionCollection of RSpec extensions incluing helper methods, matchers, and macros that the a...
75,3470rspec_scenariosloads test scenarios and makes them available as instance variables to spec methods
75,3470rcranganu-product_apiMuch longer explanation of the example!
75,3470puppyPuppy is a tiny gem to perform easy object tracing and debugging.