Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174541-174560 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470microgradRuby implementation of karpathy/micrograd
75,3470right-popenRightPopen allows running external processes aynchronously while still capturing their ...
75,3470rmm5t-slideshareRuby interface for SlideShare API
75,3470obitum-remixrWrapper for the BestBuy Remix api
75,3470roflbotroflbot will make you a rofl waffle
75,3470ieee_paper_downloaderIEEE Xploreに掲載された論文PDFのダウンロードを支援します
75,3470twitter-auth-with-mongo-mapperTwitterAuth is a Rails plugin gem that provides Single Sign-On capabilities for Rails a...
75,3470rockstarThis gem is an updated version of jnunemakers scrobbler gem. Rockstar uses v2.0 of the ...
75,3470zookal_magento_rest_apiGem to do backend REST API calls to Zookal's Magento store. Prior authentication (throu...
75,3470route4meRouting Software, Route Planning Software, Delivery Route Planner
75,3470lorkhanAPNS HTTP/2 Client
75,3470gmalamid-key_value_storeSimple Tokyo Cabinet interface
75,3470guidebookWant models? Want migrations? GuideBook is a Camping Gear to give you Database persiste...
75,3470gmalamid-spinalLightweight middleware for bidirectional process distribution over TCP
75,3470wankoWanko is a Rails Engine framework that can be used for rapid prototyping, feature toggl...
75,3470kimonoIntegrate with Kimono service
75,3470imperva-railsThis gem configures Rails for Imperva so that request.ip and request.remote_ip and work...
75,3470ps_yandex_translatoryandex translator
75,3470ruby-training-gameThis is the Readme file. I learned this from http://www.pragmaticstudio.com
75,3470show_codeshow_code provides a quick way to show ruby method source codes in terminal.