Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175001-175020 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380ltp_checkerComparing the information retrieval performance of three different methods
89,5380thocky_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
89,5380fastlane-plugin-deploy_aws_s3_cloudfrontDeploy local directory to AWS S3 bucket and invalidate CloudFront
89,5380snitch_reportingTracks errors using middleware and provides an interface in order to view and track the...
89,5380hanami-db_schema_dumpThis Hanami command-line plugin dumps your PostgreSQL development database schema i...
89,5380liquid-template-inheritanceLiquid addon that enables template inheritance
89,5380gem_test_yunoThis is a test gem for me.
89,5380iso_latteIsoLatte allows execution to be forked from the main process for safety
89,5380jt-rails-generator-userJTRailsGeneratorUser is a generator for user authentication. You have the login and sig...
89,5380transformable_listGiven 2 lists this gem would show steps necessary to convert one to another.
89,5380record_decoratordecorate active record and his associations with anything
89,5380fastlane-plugin-updateplistfromstringsAllow to take values from the localization.strings and put them into Info.plist
89,5380pnslurpSlurps notes from the given file (notes.slurper by default) and creates ProjectNo...
89,5380genba-rubygenba api for ruby version
89,5380heritageA gem for implementing multiple table inheritance in rails 3
89,5380lita-devops-reactionsThis plugin just display a funny devops image with a title as seen on http://devopsreac...
89,5380rps_game_davidxinYou can play the popular RPS game in solo mode or multiplayer mode
89,5380indieweb-endpointsDiscover a URL’s IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints.
89,5380rack-sasscRack middleware for SassC which process sass/scss files when in development environment.