Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175341-175360 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250notify_meThis friendly library gives you generic notifications in your Rails app.
68,6250varexpThis Gem exports your environment variables to CSV.
68,6250svg-to-epsSVG to EPS converter. Requires inkscape! lib and command line tool are included.
68,6250sterlingThis is a ruby gem that can be used to interact with the Retailigence API. The response...
68,6250creationix-milkMilk is a rack based content management system built for ease of use and simplicity. Mi...
68,6250itrigga-core_extAdds methods for Hash: - symbolize_keys - recursive_symbolize_keys Ar...
68,6250cs-active_formValidations for Non Active Record Models
68,6250spree_carouselsAdds carousel functionality to spree homepage, based on taxons
68,6250rl_hiya_sonpatki_prathameshThe library says hello to everyone.
68,6250gravis-typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
68,6250sharkappsintegration utilities with the shark apps framework
68,6250rainfallDownload everything in your cloudapp account to your hard drive.
68,6250lazy_resqueMoves Resque enqueues out of the request cycle in a Rails application.
68,6250kco_rubyKlarna Checkout library
68,6250nested_structCompose nested structs from hash/array structures.
68,6250tads6_robertGem para ORM para aulas de Tópicos especiais de TI - IFMS
68,6250fetch_newsA simple spider gem
68,6250rawgAn API wrapper for RAWG.io
68,6250xtoolxtool for xcode developers
68,6250fog-cosmicModule for the 'fog' gem to support Cosmic