Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175401-175420 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850youtubesearchresultscraperThis gem provide function to scrape html of search result on youtube
157,4850wage_slaveA toolkit for generating and working with bulk payment files in various banking formats.
157,4850teatimeAt featurefabrik, we are big fans of javascript and testing. Also we believe, that moc...
157,4850tigerbloodTigerblood Driven Development
157,4850under_rackUnderRack is a Ruby Framework for you understand Rack
157,4850tagometerA simple wrapper for the Delicious tagometer. Given a URL it returns the top tags.
157,4850tvdbjsonUnofficial Ruby Gem for thetvdb.com Swagger API (JSON API)
157,4850tt-pkgA gem for testing ticket updates
157,4850specstat-rspecRspec reporter for the Specstat service
157,4850tabulatr2A tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord models with sorting, pagination, finding/fi...
157,4850timex_datalink_caldavAdds a CLI and a feature to pull your next day of calendar events into the Timex Datali...
157,4850xcode-result-bundle-processorxcode-result-bundle-processor converts Xcode test result bundles into friendly HTML rep...
157,4850tsuki月 is a low level engine for remote device integration.月 means "Moon", the name comes fr...
157,4850vindslThis gem implements lookup tables for car serial numbers.
157,4850too(placeholder) An opinionated framework for building tools in Ruby.
157,4850TopBoardGamesReturns list of top 100 boardgames from www.boardgamegeek.com, also allows to get board...
157,4850wukong-stormStorm processing for Ruby
157,4850text-interpolatorSimple library for interpolation of variables inside the text.
157,4850spacetimerbRuby bindings for Spacetime, a Lisp-like language for getting and computing datetimes.
157,4850umeng_pushThe encapsulation of umeng push api.