Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175381-175400 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910qxA expression builder for SQL expressions with Postgresql support
121,9910pushr-corePushr daemon for push notification services like APNS (iOS/Apple) and GCM (Android).
121,9910hyotanA Rubyesque interface to CaboCha.
121,9910greynUse greyn to convert any PNG to 3 greyscale versions at once - Luma, RGB Average, and L...
121,9910piko_transactionAbstraction layer for storage
121,9910goncalossilva-subdomain_routesSubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res...
121,9910heliothSimple way to manage feature rollout / flipping
121,9910progimageSimple wrapper for the ProgImage API
121,9910hyper-visWrite React Components in ruby to show graphics created with Vis.js in the ruby way
121,9910firmaSign PDF documents
121,9910okta_jwt_validationHelper library for validating Okta jwt token.
121,9910purestA ruby gem for interacting with PURE storage's REST API
121,9910nunchakuRuby client to check HTML markup using the Nu HTML Checker at http://validator.w3.org/nu/
121,9910params-patrolUse whatever monitor service you would like to track strong parameter errors.
121,9910notable_books_2018A gem to browse the New York Times' Notable Books of 2018 list.
121,9910pixi_soundA gem for importing the pixi_lights.js canvas library into Rails projects.
121,9910ibm-bluemix-service_discoveryLibrary to support microservices interacting with the IBM Bluemix Service Discovery ser...
121,9910gen-passwordRuby/GenPassword is a suite of password handling methods for Ruby. It supports the manu...
121,9910odinflexDo you need to parse an AR file or a Mach-O file? If so, then this is the library for you!
121,9910html_inaGem which accepts content and stores content and passed it to the html page