Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175701-175720 of all 180,454 gems.
168,3701dupTransform HTML into PDF/PNG/JPEG using Google Chrome
168,3701auto_draftA gem that created groups out of a list
168,3701hellomicA simple hello world gem
168,3701free_agentA small ruby library for accessing information from http://freeagentcentral.com
168,3701gbspellerConsole Yandex API spellchecker
168,3701covalentRuby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.
168,3701tom_queueAMQP hook for Delayed Job, backed by ActiveRecord
168,3701danielsdeleo-em-specRspec and Bacon based BDD API for Ruby/EventMachine
168,3701bootstrap-autohidingnavbar-railsbootstrap-autohidingnavbar plugin for the Rails Asset Pipeline
168,3701eurekaWeka wrapper for JRuby
168,3701gitbotAn IRC bot that listens to GitHub webhooks
168,3701admincredibleCommunicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Jo...
168,3701check_in_objectsRails plugin that do check-in/check-out of models of ActiveRecord.
168,3701darkhelmet-ec2-objectsObject Oriented wrapper around the EC2 gem
168,3701ebook_librarygenerate an organized library from a local ebook directory.
168,3701adflierSimple gem to generate link into adf.ly
168,3701arborist-webThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
168,3701foreman-hostsDescription of ForemanHosts.
168,3701antlr-netANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framew...
168,3701djondbThis gem provides access to djondb the NoSQL Enterprise database implementation