Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175741-175760 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710unicorn-lb-patchUnicorn, but with patch for h12 timeouts on heroku
71,9710salgoA collection of algorithms and datastructure for ruby written in ruby.
71,9710netaxeptThis gem simplifies the comunication with the netaxept service significantly. Right now...
71,9710questionable_answersMakes it easy to add and edit forms programatically, specifying select, radio, checkbox...
71,9710irc_parserA ruby 1.9.x library to parse and generate IRC messages according to the IRC definition
71,9710hockeylogAggregate multiple hockeyapp notes into a single changelog.
71,9710db_structureDatabase utility for Rails apps
71,9710rfpdfA template plugin allowing the inclusion of ERB-enabled RFPDF template files.
71,9710poxassets for ipanel
71,9710JasonKing-grepgrep - grep library done the Ruby way by extending Dir and File
71,9710acts_as_graph_vertexSimple mixin for adding graph like functions (parents, children, traversal, etc) to any...
71,9710LetterSinatra Based Markdown blog.
71,9710active_datastoreODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.
71,9710unrulyNot your traditional, optimizing, rete based rule engine. Far simpler.
71,9710dudeYou're out of your element.
71,9710friendlyfashion-ts-datetime-deltaManage delta indexes via datetime columns for Thinking Sphinx
71,9710simple_machineSimpleMachine is module for Ruby which injects simple state machine behavior in any cla...
71,9710hiramekiredis based one time token generator.
71,9710ruby-cldr-timezonesGet the translated timezones according to CLDR. Support for 573 languages.
71,9710srsA Spaced Repetition System is a study tool which works by spacing out exercises so as ...