Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175781-175800 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510apn_clientUses the "enhanced format" Apple protocol and deals with errors and failures when broad...
141,5510disposable_dbA utility that makes it easy to create "on-the-fly databases"
141,5510drjekylldrjekyll - the missing static site theme package manager
141,5510ampedxx-mygemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
141,5510alexa-todoist_filterA command line tool for moving Alexa todos in Todoist into a user specified project.
141,5510capistrano-bedrock-uploadsUploads tasks for roots/bedrock, using Capistrano 3.x
141,5510command-geniegenie — Run commands that are bound to directories.
141,5510erik-question-feedbackStruct for question feedback.
141,5510baidubce-sdkThe official Ruby sdk used to accessing BaiduBce Object Storage Service
141,5510blog.sahithyen.comThis is the Jekyll theme for https://blog.sahithyen.com/. Feel free to use it!
141,5510dogstatsd-instrumentationProcesses relevant ActiveSupport::Notifications from Rails, Sinatra and Rake applicatio...
141,5510bloom-rubyA fast Bloom Filter library for Ruby for unices.
141,5510bitbucket_migrationMigrates existing git repositories to bitbucket.
141,5510devise_cloudfuji_authenticatableCloudfuji SSO authentication module for Devise. A slight variant of the excellent work ...
141,5510bundle_package_checkCheck if all gems you need are packaged
141,5510capistrano-githubIntegrates Capistrano with Github Deployments API
141,5510chikkaA ruby interface to the Chikka SMS API
141,5510cellProvides isolation and tenancy for Rails
141,5510digivizer-styleThe Digivizer Manual of Style
141,5510enrichment_dbConsume static data from the Lexer Enrichment database.