Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175801-175820 of all 181,553 gems.
40,3100jasmine-rails-lightProvides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.1 assets without jasmine-...
40,3100deploy-agentThis gem allows you to configure a secure proxy through which Deploy can forward connec...
40,3100dependency_spyFinds known vulnerabilities in your dependencies Using rubysec/ruby-advisory-db, sn...
40,3100devver-SaikuroSaikuro is a Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer. When given Ruby source code Saikuro ...
40,3100devise_expirableThis is a simple, however wonderful devise extension to expire user password.
40,3100deifySets up god/resque/redis configuration for any app using resque-based gems at Revolutio...
40,3100delayed_job_unique_keyGem based on delayed job with active record and allows to prevent creating new job if a...
40,3100rubymine_heavenThis gem connects stack trace on rails error page to rubymine (when you click on stack ...
40,3100devise-proxyA standalone Rack Middleware application that authenticates a username/password against...
40,3100hashblueA simple client for the hashblue api
40,3100defra_ruby_addressProvides a single source of functionality for querying Defra's various address lookup s...
40,3100devise_restful_authThis gem provide a before_filter to check users against a permission class. it supports...
40,3100delegate_keyProvides a delegate_key class method to easily create methods which return hash value b...
40,3100rubysouth-tokyo_modelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
40,3100slingshotSet of server setup tasks for use with Slingshot Hosting
40,3100cloudq_clientThe Cloudq Client gem is an awesome client interface to the cloudq a remote job queue e...
40,3100rack-datamapperthis collection of plugins helps to add datamapper functionality to Rack. there is a Id...
40,3100derobo-ofdbA Ruby wrapper for www.ofdb.de, a german movie indexing page like www.imdb.com.
40,3100rughetto-rear_viewsGenerators REST views for a resource, so that complex views and forms can be easily bui...
40,3100simple-benchmarkA simple benchmarking tool for Ruby apps.