Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181521-181540 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710install_gemUsed for GEM dev. It will uninstall the old version of the given gem, and install the n...
71,9710meat_sauceページをスクレイピングしたり、スクリーンショットを撮ったり(scraping web page, screen shot web page .... and more)
71,9710pipedrive-rubyRuby wrapper for the Pipedrive API
71,9710mc-fedexFedex wrapper to print FedEx labels
71,9710negval-deadlock_retryProvides automatical deadlock retry and logging functionality for ActiveRecord and MySQL
71,9710rack_restrictorMatriser l'acces a vos applications
71,9710agilebuddy-commaFork of comma with support for nested rows
71,9710rep.jqueryHyperstudio bundle containing 3rd-party jQuery tools
71,9710tensionTension brings some sanity to Rails's CSS & JS organization for modern front–end develo...
71,9710webget_ruby_password_hashWebGet Ruby Gem: PasswordHash class for secure password hashing with plain text and ran...
71,9710rack-pygmentsrack-pygments - Rack Middleware for Pygments, the syntax highlighter
71,9710adconnectA Gem tuned specifically to authenticate to Active Directory's flavor of ldap. Very bar...
71,9710sinatra-hijackerA sinatra plugin to handle websockets
71,9710git-syncFetches the latest repository from the server, rebases/merges the current branch agains...
71,9710licence_injectorlicence_injector injects text from the given licence file into each source file found a...
71,9710wwinewwine is a a wine(1) wrapper. It wraps various flavours of wine (including vanilla wine...
71,9710epoch_apiRuby library to interact with 3poch
71,9710smart_diffCreate Semantic Diffs of Ruby source code based on the AST.
71,9710omniauth-google-oauth2-access-tokenA Google using access-token strategy for OmniAuth. Can be used for client side Google l...