Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175921-175940 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380rebaserRebases all open pull requests on a git repo
89,5380moocherKeep Moochers Out. Ruby interface for Moocher api, A Reputation API and Anti-Abuse Serv...
89,5380openzipOpenzip is a Ruby library (written in Rust) for fast reading Zip files.
89,5380timetrackTrack your time in a file
89,5380josh-rack-testSimple testing API built on Rack
89,5380sshkit_addonAddon of the sshkit
89,5380rack-cargoEnables creating batch requests to Rack apps. Requests can reference each other. Makes ...
89,5380joshuamiller-twitter4rA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.
89,5380opal-drbA dRuby implementation for Opal which is using WebSocket as Protocol.
89,5380taobao-topa simple ruby implementation of TOP API
89,5380joyent-cloud-pricingVarious set of tools and helpers to calculate infrastructure footprint and cost on Joye...
89,5380rails_helper_anywhereUse helpers anywhere with the Helper class.
89,5380quredisquredis (pronounced 'kurdis') is a little DSL for redis safe queues using brpoplpush.
89,5380plupload-rails4This gem integrates Plupload 1.5.7 with the Rails 4.0 asset pipeline.
89,5380directory_monitorMonitor a directory for file changes.
89,5380passbook-iidThis gem allows you to create IOS Passbooks. Unlike some, this works with Rails but d...
89,5380logstash-output-iothubOutput plugin for Logstash for sending Azure IoTHub
89,5380hopShortcut aliases to open from the commandline, yay!
89,5380journeaJournea uses a state machine and simple form to simplify creating gov.uk style smart an...