Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175941-175960 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700flightcheckA simple flight status checker
38,9700mac-key_codeA key code library for mac. It supports any keyboard layouts such as QWERTY, Dvorak etc.
38,9700mtbuildmtbuild is a rake-based build system for C/C++ projects. It provides a DSL for declarin...
38,9700facebook_graphrA lightweight gem for dealing with Facebook's new Open Graph API
38,9700mech_warriorSpider a web host with many mechanize agents concurrently, and generate an asset JSON ...
38,9700ryonanRyonan is a tool to make simple skeleton. It make from template directory and erb, and ...
38,9700fillmore_test_1Fetches weather forecast.
38,9700pedanco-diffrPedanco::Diffr provides a change set management system for tracking changes anywher...
38,9700ruboty-sqlSql handler for Ruboty
38,9700ruby-ali-expressRuby gem for Ali Express API
38,9700itunes-observerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700newrelic-exconExcon instrumentation for Newrelic.
38,9700jerryvos-authlogic_facebook_connectExtension of the Authlogic library to add Facebook Connect support built upon the excel...
38,9700wo_oo_utilFew utilities in ruby, like a code generator (readable by human or computer).
38,9700corserThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700embulk-input-filenameReads files stored on Filename.
38,9700eme_services_clientConsume Private EME APIs
38,9700git-raceThis is a script that checks branches that have happened since you branched, and tells ...
38,9700hodminHodmin enables you to administrate your Homie-devices (IOT, esp8266-based microcomputer...
38,9700middleman-fragment-cachingA Middleman fragment caching extension like Rails