Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175961-175980 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700opener-opinion-detector-baseBase Opinion Detector for english and dutch.
38,9700opener-clientA helper gem to make use of OpeNER webservices
38,9700gemspec_deps_genClass for generating gem dependencies from Gemfile
38,9700opener-opinion-detectorGem that wraps up the different existing opinion detectors
38,9700github-webhook-authSimple gem for forcing a valid Github Webhook
38,9700embulk-parser-apache-custom-logParses Apache Custom Log files read by other file input plugins.
38,9700simple_flaggable_columnThis gem adds a concern to allow you to use binary flags columns in ActiveRecord models
38,9700gardenerA Ruby on Rails Plugin to help you create seed data. Useful when you want to move a fe...
38,9700assets_helperassets helper is the helper that use to include css and javascript by controller name a...
38,9700ralexaRuby client for Amazon Alexa APIs.
38,9700capistrano-servicesReload application services after deploy.
38,9700ad_hoc_templateAdHocTemplate is a template processor with simple but sufficient rules for some ad hoc ...
38,9700permit_yoAn engine that provides authorization for Rails 3 apps.
38,9700middlesiteGem containing tasks to build, release and deploy your Middleman site.
38,9700hadoop-jruby-connectorHadoop connector by JRuby
38,9700codeland-starterTo create Rails projects with template and integrations
38,9700twitter_client_appThis gem aims for Sencha MokuMoku Meetup 2nd (that be held in Japan at 2014/05/30).
38,9700fluent-plugin-better-timestampOutput filter plugin which put timestamp
38,9700scoreboard_rubywarriorWith the utmost thanks to Ryan Bates for his excellent rubywarrior, this ...
38,9700my_forumSimple forum engine.