Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176021-176040 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910condor-jobGem for condor execution of bash jobs
151,8910bitroleableManage user roles. Each user's role is stored as a bit in an integer column of database...
151,8910conscheduleConschedule library makes it easy to integrate scheduling in your Rails application, fr...
151,8910abbish_sequel_pluginsFor more detail please visit https://github.com/abbish/abbish_sequel_plugins
151,8910continuanceContinuance is a library for handling durations as opposed to time. A duration represen...
151,8910bitsmith_backendBackend for the BitSmith digital publishing platform.
151,8910doi2bibtexGive DOI of a paper and get corresponding BibTeX
151,8910sprout-as3mapprlib-src-libraryMappr is a service and application that combines images from Flickr with geolocational ...
151,8910deputyReport to the sheriff
151,8910enum_argsThis gem lets you use Enumerable methods with parameters for your custom enumerator.
151,8910bitsmith_coreCore shared models, tasks, and other resources for bitsmith.
151,8910floorplanner-adyenPackage to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
151,8910email_senderEmailSender is an easy to use library to send email based on Net::SMTP. It supports the...
151,8910bjclark-facebooker2Facebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails
151,8910fju_railstest gem for fju-rails
151,8910devise_ottAdds one time token authentication to devise
151,8910deployemA simple gem for Heroku deployments in a git-flowish strategy.
151,8910capybara_switch_driverTo capybara switch driver with CLI.