Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176621-176640 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230hetzner-cliManage a Hetzner machine
51,3230better_pluralizeAdds block support to the Rails' pluralize view helper so you can further customize its...
51,3230bertclientBERT::Client is a threadsafe BERT-RPC client with support for persistent connections, s...
51,3230omniauth-geoloqiGeoloqi adapter for Omniauth.
51,3230linebreak-cliLinebreak::CLI is a Ruby command-line tool for conversion of text between linebreak enc...
51,3230ScoreWatchGiven an ESPN Gamecast match ID, Score Watch will scrape the Gamecast Page for updates ...
51,3230monoEmbedding the Mono runtime into your Ruby application.
51,3230cuttleboneCuttlebone helps you creating shell-alike applications.
51,3230lean_messengerthis is a messenger for lean cloud special for linkers on wall
51,3230mina_slack_notifyMina bindings for Slack
51,3230default-url-options-for-mailersDefault or infer the :protocol, :host, and :port values for ActionMailer
51,3230tddium_statusA library (and CLI) for getting the status of your tddium builds
51,3230strict_structExtremely simple value objects
51,3230music_blenderA simple MP3 player written in Ruby. Depends on mpg123.
51,3230postinoPostino allows you to generate Italian postal payment forms in PDF format using Prawn.
51,3230cyprus-street-namesCyprus's Street Names.
51,3230toolchainCollection of Ruby light-weight modules that enhance plain Ruby classes with zero runti...
51,3230collectd-plotPlot collectd data using gnuplot, with useful features such as host globbing.
51,3230rad_jqueryjQuery client for Rad Framework
51,3230edouard-ya2yamlYa2YAML is "yet another to_yaml". It emits YAML document with complete UTF8 support (st...