Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176701-176720 of all 183,748 gems.
171,9620zip_metaA gem that uses data formerly available from CivicSpace Labs (included with this projec...
171,9620wubmailTool to quickly send emailings with a CSV file of users and an ERB template.
171,9620twitter_snowflakeRuby library to handle Twitter snowflake IDs.
171,9620zoomqØMQ ROUTER/ROUTER coordinated by Zookeeper
171,9620vanilliconsVanillicons are a small generated avatar made by vanillaforums.org, they use a md5 hash...
171,9620UnderpantsGnome-sax-machineDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri
171,9620video_to_mp3audio/video media convertor
171,9620frprepFRPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
171,9620wpcapA Tool to Setup, Maintain, and Deploy Capistrano Driven Wordpress Sites
171,9620urbis-urbis-test-gem-thingyA test gem to be installed or uninstalled.
171,9620yi_appium_caps_utilThis utility updates the caps for iOS, Android macOS and tvOS devices. Please refer to ...
171,9620vta_view_toolAt the momment it can only build a copyright.
171,9620wsaWanger's Shell Alternative
171,9620backedupBackedUp is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easi...
171,9620unity-dependencyUnity Dependency
171,9620yellowlab-princelyA wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library.
171,9620zeiExpõe, através de métodos ruby, as funcionalidades da API do SEI.
171,9620wireframe-rails3_acts_as_paranoidActive Record (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actua...
171,9620vagrant-devstackA plugin that runs stack and unstack commands on VM provisioned with devstack source
171,9620brunterPackage management for Sass components.