Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176661-176680 of all 183,748 gems.
171,9620samplesManage and run Ruby code sample snippets [init]
171,9620vagrant-vmpoolerEnables Vagrant to manage machines in vmpooler.
171,9620voyageVoyage is a fork of the suspenders base Rails project from thoughtbot. It is used by he...
171,9620yisakes_samplei said its sample dont say a word after this
171,9620arango-driverRuby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API
171,9620yaml-ostructRead yaml files recursively from a given directory and return an OpenStruct retaining t...
171,9620weighableLike BigDecimal, but for weight. Includes Rails integration.
171,9620winneri am waiting to upload this
171,9620omniauth-piratenloginOmniAuth strategy for PiratenLogin.de (OAuth2)
171,9620version-oneVersionOne integration gem.
171,9620capistrano-server-plugMake the deploy server a simple capistrano setting
171,9620yaml_settingsYAMLSettings loads and recursively merges settings from one or more YAML data files. A ...
171,9620volgactf-final-checker-resultVolgaCTF::Final::Checker::Result constants
171,9620viuRails' missing View layer.
171,9620yeah_i_didHelpfully fixes your typos
171,9620wavefront-chef-handlerThe Chef Handler gem which will be invoked from Chef based on events, to report the eve...
171,9620update_gitreposupdate all git repos at once.
171,9620unitwise-constantsPhysics & Chemistry Constants for Unitwise
171,9620uri_minerGem to submmit codes for Uri-online-judge