Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176641-176660 of all 181,553 gems.
40,3100jrails_auto_completeAdds autocomplete support to rails inputs, using jQuery-UI; it works similarly to the o...
40,3100jtippyjQuery tooltip plugin. Easy to use and configure with excellent responsive placement.
40,3100xhiveSimple Rails AJAX CMS
40,3100buzzardLove Sinatra, but feel it's just a little too minimalistic? Think Rails is way too bl...
40,3100mongo_mapper_generatorsGenerators for use with the MongoMapper rubygem. Use to generate Documents, EmbeddedDo...
40,3100flexible_dateMake ActiveRecord understand any date format you want.
40,3100json-mapping-transformWhen building data pipelines, it is often useful to extract and transfrom data from an ...
40,3100jsonapi-serializer-formatsA module to enrich JSON:API Serializers (https://github.com/jsonapi-serializer) with co...
40,3100json_extractorA set of C extensions that can extract specific keys from a JSON document. Right now, o...
40,3100js_objectsProvides objects with some JavaScript-like syntax and prototypal inheritance in Ruby
40,3100jquery-textchange-railsSimple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a ...
40,3100jsmestad-audit_trailLog transitions on a state machine to support auditing and business process analytics.
40,3100jquery-mjs-nestedSortable-railsFeatures Designed to work seamlessly with the nested set model (have a look at the ...
40,3100jscharf-ssl_requirementSSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only b...
40,3100encodingofA Ruby command line utility for discovering file encoding
40,3100jquery-animate-enhanced-railsExtend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions for Webkit, Mozilla, IE>=10 and Opera a...
40,3100tilleryj-juggernautSee Plugin README: http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk/juggernaut/README
40,3100timocratic-rackRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications ...
40,3100tlossen-femto-base64-for-urlsA modified variant of Base64 suitable for use in URLs: no padding '=' is used, and the...
40,3100commcare_apiA CommCare API wrapper in Ruby